What is Love?

(Rough Copy) What is love? Is it an action, a feeling, a thought? Love is what we live for Love is my heart united with yours To some love pierces the heart like a swift arrow To others love comes slowly, like winter to spring There is no right timing on matters of the heart…… Continue reading What is Love?

Tantra: Understanding Blockages

Blockage or resistance is anything that hinders the natural flow of your life force energy, this can be a physical blockage (cellular memory) or psychological; both are deeply interconnected. Throughout our lives, we all come across certain blockages which often prevent us from moving forward. Perhaps it would be easier to understand if I gave…… Continue reading Tantra: Understanding Blockages

Narcissistic Behavior Among Siblings

More often than not having a sibling is a blessing, someone to share experiences with, someone who can understand your story in ways no one else can because they experienced the same roots; however, there are times when having a sibling can become a peril–this can be the result of many factors but today we…… Continue reading Narcissistic Behavior Among Siblings

Tantra: Free Sacred Sexuality vs. Hedonism

Recently I received an email asking me to address the difference between Tantra and Hedonism. This person read my article on polyamory among other Tantric articles and was left a bit confused. To give a bit of a background, she had developed an interest in Tantra and attended a workshop on “red tantra”; which more…… Continue reading Tantra: Free Sacred Sexuality vs. Hedonism