Reflections: Let My Soul Scream

Today I would like to share with you a reflection from my manuscript for the second volume of my book “Reflections of a Mad Butterfly”. The first volume is already available, with many of its reflections already shared in this page. The second will become available sometime in December. I am not a professional writer,…… Continue reading Reflections: Let My Soul Scream

Tantra & Kali: Understanding the Goddess Archetype

Today, I would like to focus on the Goddess Kali, for she is the perfect archetype to help us understand our own shadow, darkness, pain, genius, and pleasure. I believe anyone who is in touch with their shadow and knows what it is to struggle yet is able to recognize the tremendous power locked inside,…… Continue reading Tantra & Kali: Understanding the Goddess Archetype

Can a Therapist Who Struggles Be a Good Therapist?… Experiencing the Other Side of The Couch

There are many people who still associate a “good” therapist with someone who has only done well educationally; regardless of whether or not that person can also do well understanding, guiding people or has the life experience to back their knowledge –to be a good or great therapist requires not just the brain but the…… Continue reading Can a Therapist Who Struggles Be a Good Therapist?… Experiencing the Other Side of The Couch

Tantra & Sexology: Woman Embrace Your Sexual Power

In our day an age, with the rise of the so-called New Feminism group– a group, which is very different than its origin, for Feminists never sought to belittle, castrate nor punish the opposite sex, as they recognized the beauty and power each gender holds and how they complement each other perfectly–more and more we…… Continue reading Tantra & Sexology: Woman Embrace Your Sexual Power