Forgiving Yourself Is A Must

Why is it most of us have lesser resistance at the idea of forgiving someone else but when it comes to ourselves, we tend to treat our psyche and spirit the way a jail keeper would? I think it has to do with the conditioning we grew up with, where time and time again, it…… Continue reading Forgiving Yourself Is A Must

Feminism vs Radical Feminism: Let’s Stop Promoting Hate

Not too long ago I wrote two articles (one on Abortion and one on Gender Ideology). Someone who had read the articles, wrote to me to express her sadness and disappointment to see a feminist such as myself, turn on my sisters and how by writing those pieces I was doing harm to the movement…… Continue reading Feminism vs Radical Feminism: Let’s Stop Promoting Hate

False Ego Barriers and Three-Dimensional Illusion

A half-truth is a complete lie. Get to know yourself, learn the laws of the game and get to know your real adversary. If we were told history isn’t worth learning, that it needs to be erased if it makes us uncomfortable. If we were told our careers are immoral if they do not submit…… Continue reading False Ego Barriers and Three-Dimensional Illusion

Redefining Our Concept of Death

When it comes to death most of us fear it. Our reaction is deeply rooted on the lack of familiarization with death. We have an extensive and nourishing vocabulary to help us teach children about life yet death is one of those subjects which remains taboo or is often demonized. We tend to use the…… Continue reading Redefining Our Concept of Death

The Existential Crisis of Our Current Educational System

Today I would like to take a closer look at our current educational system. I often write promoting the education of our minds in order to better handle life and its rollercoasters. However, the type of education I am referring to is one based on a solid, well rounded system vs. the compartmentalization of our…… Continue reading The Existential Crisis of Our Current Educational System