Soul Soothing Massages

The skin is our deepest emotional archive, retaining sensations we don’t even remember. Massages take us back to the time when we were infants and were caressed with love, leaving us feeling protected.  For those who unfortunately did not get to enjoy such unconditional love, it takes us to a place in our psyches that still aches…… Continue reading Soul Soothing Massages

How to Heal from Emotional Blackmail Between Parent & Adult Child

The most significant relationships we shall have are supposed to be the ones maintained between parents and children – in this case, I am referring to adult children. The quality of this bond is fundamental for developing our personality and grounding our soul and psyche but it also constitutes the models to follow for the…… Continue reading How to Heal from Emotional Blackmail Between Parent & Adult Child

Tantra: Orgasm & Healing II

This article will focus on that brief moment of bliss called orgasm; that moment when peace, love, justice, ecstasy, liberation, creativity combine– ultimate freedom and a feeling of the Divine taking over….for that is the power of the orgasm, one which can be utilized to bring forth healing and expansion.  Of course, there are many…… Continue reading Tantra: Orgasm & Healing II