Awakening: A Lifetime Process

Modernly we hear a lot of people calling themselves “Woke”; interestingly these people fall into their own rigid way of thinking, but somehow by surrounding themselves with others who will not challenge their beliefs, they feel they are “evolved” – meanwhile looking from the outside, one can see there really is not much difference between…… Continue reading Awakening: A Lifetime Process

How to Heal from Emotional Blackmail Between Parent & Adult Child

The most significant relationships we shall have are supposed to be the ones maintained between parents and children – in this case, I am referring to adult children. The quality of this bond is fundamental for developing our personality and grounding our soul and psyche but it also constitutes the models to follow for the…… Continue reading How to Heal from Emotional Blackmail Between Parent & Adult Child

Tantra: Divinity is Vast-It Has No Creed.

If we look around the world, we see various forms of society expressed in various modes, each with its intricacies, yet the one constant is the main worshipping of a God or Divinity.  Whether a believer of any kind or not, the desire to make sense of life is natural and healthy psychologically and spiritually.…… Continue reading Tantra: Divinity is Vast-It Has No Creed.

The Spirituality of Pain

I remember when I was in the beginning process of meeting my shadow…the world seemed upside down; every “normal” mechanism wasn’t working for me, for they all were about teaching me to get rid of my pain. Dogma would say “You just need to repent, admit you are a sinner and that is all you…… Continue reading The Spirituality of Pain

Tantric Psychology: Between Fear & Heroism

This post is about the psychological aspect of Tantra as a path of liberation. The most unique and fundamental contribution to the psychological dimension of Tantrism comes from two Jungian theorists; Joseph Campbell and Heinrich Zimmer, who analyzed tantric sadhana in terms of “spiritual quest for self-discovery and true identity.” Implicit in this approach is…… Continue reading Tantric Psychology: Between Fear & Heroism

It is Important to Identify the Cause Over the Symptom

Our psyche’s well-being is a vital aspect of our lives; its imbalance can affect not just the way we see and experience the world, but it can also affect us physically, which deteriorates our quality of life. Transcendental Counseling holds that a person’s health is not limited solely to their physical body, but also involves…… Continue reading It is Important to Identify the Cause Over the Symptom

Learning to Discern: the wolf will always be bad if you only listen to little red riding hood.

“The wolf will always be bad if you only listen to little red riding hood”, is a phrase I came across when reading the lectures of a lawyer. In the copy of his lectures, he pointed out what he calls a fallacy in human nature…the bad habit of always listening to whoever is more congenial,…… Continue reading Learning to Discern: the wolf will always be bad if you only listen to little red riding hood.


What to say but time does teach us great lessons. It teaches us that the greatest pain comes from fighting against the current of one’s own wishes. I used to meditate communicating to life of my gratefulness, expressing my thoughts, wounds, joys, goals and desires, yet always stating that ultimately the motivation of my heart…… Continue reading Reflection…Fly

The Long Term Effects of Growing With Dysfunctionality.

As children, our first interaction is with our family. It is through our interaction with them, that helps determine if the world is a “good” place (safe) or a “bad” one (unsafe) — and we tend to carry these first experiences throughout most of our formative years and into adulthood. Regardless of the fact a…… Continue reading The Long Term Effects of Growing With Dysfunctionality.

The Philosophy of Death

Death is one of those topics which often makes people uneasy. We are accustomed to discussing death in small doses, such as the time when we lose a loved one; even then, the crude reality that they are gone, only manages to get us to reflect on the old memories, for we fear looking at…… Continue reading The Philosophy of Death