Healing with Intelligence and Compassion

I have often written about the danger of falling for extremes; in our desperation to run away from one issue, we tend to embrace any solution, no matter how drastic readily. In the wide spectrum of time, it wasn’t too long ago when patients with mental illness and disorders were treated like the pariahs of…… Continue reading Healing with Intelligence and Compassion

Understanding the Magician Archetype

According to Carl Jung, the magician is the most powerful archetype; he is the bearer of knowledge both ancient and new. He promotes advancement in this world thanks to his ability to confront and embrace his shadow, therefore acquiring true wisdom; wisdom not based on theory only but experience. The Magician archetype is synonymous with…… Continue reading Understanding the Magician Archetype

The Art Of Sensuality

There are lessons in life which cannot be taught, they can only be experienced; such is the case when it comes to the art of sensuality.  While the majority of people in today’s society live disconnected from their body’s senses, there are others who have been born quite in touch with their sensuality; to them sensuality…… Continue reading The Art Of Sensuality

The Power Of Self Acceptance….

  Sometimes there are features/aspects of our personalities and/or bodies which we may have trouble accepting.  This lack of acceptance can make living in a conscious way almost impossible; as it is difficult to do so when we live focused on all our challenges. Learning to teach ourselves to escape this vicious cycle is going…… Continue reading The Power Of Self Acceptance….

Negative Consequences to Suppressing Emotions

Today’s society spends a lot of time nurturing and developing our left brain (logic) while dismissing our right brain (emotion).   The motto “I think first, then I am” is becoming the predominant way of living.  Meanwhile more and more emotions are being discredited, and its expressions labeled as “bad” “useless” or “hindering”.    Originally  we were taught to…… Continue reading Negative Consequences to Suppressing Emotions

Effective Communication

Many of us don’t realize how important proper communication skills are. Developing a good set of communication skills takes work but it’s one of the most important and powerful skills to have. If we don’t have the proper communication skills, we will encounter problems not only at work but also in our personal relationships; improving…… Continue reading Effective Communication

Viking Wisdom

The life rules which I am about to share, are based on the Havamal, a collection of old Norse poems from the Viking age. “Norse” and “Viking” refer to the same Germanic people who settled in Scandinavia during the Viking Age and who spoke Old Norse. “Norse” refers to Norsemen who were full-time traders and Vikings refers…… Continue reading Viking Wisdom

Etienne de La Boetie: The Psychology Behind Crowd Manipulation

More than 450 years ago, Etienne de La Boetie wrote “Discourse n Voluntary Servitude”. La Boetie was born on 1530 to an aristocratic family. He obtained his law degree and was a French magistrate, classicist, writer, poet and political theorist. In his book “Discourse on voluntary servitude” he brilliantly outlines the reasons why large populations…… Continue reading Etienne de La Boetie: The Psychology Behind Crowd Manipulation

Understanding Karma

A few weeks back, I had the pleasure to partake on a private lecture about Karma; a subject often misunderstood by most of us; specially from the west. What you are about to read is about Karma from a Tibetan perspective, simple and easy to comprehend. In the west, when someone does something “bad” or…… Continue reading Understanding Karma

Understanding “Sacred Texts”

Sacred texts, whether Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic or Jewish are books which are revered by many all over the world. As a matter of fact they are best sellers each and every year; however, they are also the most misunderstood ones; as well as having had their context be manipulated over the years for various…… Continue reading Understanding “Sacred Texts”