Cognitive Dissonance

There is an epidemic in the world today of the psychological phenomenon called cognitive dissonance. Everyone is susceptible to cognitive dissonance to one degree or another; however, it seems to be especially prevalent in the Western world today.

“Cognitive dissonance refers to psychological or emotional distress that can be sensed when faced with new information or a new reality that contradicts deeply held beliefs or belief systems that have always been valued as purely true.”

This psychological phenomenon appears especially among people who are mentally susceptible to media propaganda, commercials, and other “brainwashing” methods. It is also prevalent within circles who lack the opportunity and access to a well-rounded education.  This is also true for dogmatic minds whose original ideals become twisted or misunderstood, turning the group more into a semblance of a cult than a place of expansion; often led by a “wise” or “charismatic” leader who relies on friendliness or fear to control its sheep.  Cognitive dissonance is also present among those who belong to some other authoritarian system, including punitive parents, those who confuse personal unfounded opinion with knowledge, and religious and/or political indoctrination.  For example, in Spain it is unthinkable for an MP to vote against a proposal of his own party; “voting discipline” is what they call it.  But what if the MP does not believe in the proposal as it contradicts his personal or moral values? He seems to be left with two choices; either agree with something he does not believe in or concede his position to someone more willing to go with the flow. What happens then to true justice or independent thinking?…

Sometimes, it feels as if we are still living in the “dark ages” where individualism is punished and collective reasoning, even if faulty, is rewardedHasn’t that type of mentality been the root of every horrific decision in our history? Have we forgotten what happens when we blindly give power to others or when we choose to turn a blind eye? Some people tend to do this to delude themselves into thinking if one can abstain from taking a stand/making a choice, then one is not responsible for the consequences…this type of faulty reasoning is exactly what is harming our current society. We need people willing to take a stand and to do so intelligently so as not to end up hurting the very cause they are trying to protect.

Another good example of cognitive dissonance and denial are religious fundamentalists who, while professing the Bible is infallible, have to be in denial of the fact that there are numerous internal contradictions and inconsistencies between the ethical teachings of the Old Testament, which often justifies homicidal violence and the non-violent ethic of Jesus, which prohibits homicidal violence.

Wise people tend to be open and reflective when confronted by contradictory beliefs or ideas that mutually exclude. They are usually willing to change their mind after reevaluating their previous positions, looking carefully, honestly, and retesting. They re-evaluate the credibility of the two positions and then decide to approve or reject new information depending on the evidence presented before them, and the results of their own testing.

A closed, distracted, uninformed, ignorant, too busy, addicted mind or intensely conservative mind, cannot, for various reasons, be it time, belief inclination, or political will, be able to look at the new evidence. To look at new evidence would go against their entrenched beliefs. Therefore, they may unconsciously or reflexively reject new information, even if the evidence is overwhelming and proves to be true.

Opinion leaders and agents of disinformation like to proclaim simplistic explanations of complex events superficially plausible, especially when corporate or state interests are at stake.  These entities employ crafty communications experts who are true geniuses when it comes to “Quote and Explain Propaganda”; to reflect this, they use concise sentences and quotes that are actual propaganda.

In a fast-moving world, we have gotten so used to being fed information rather than taking the time to do our own research, to seek various sources beyond Google and  YouTube, and to study and analyze the information presented before us.  We have become a robotic, lazy society that no longer cares for the “why” of things; we care about satisfying our basic needs and egos…such an attitude makes us easier to control as it is a breeding ground for ignorance.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying life and delighting oneself within moments of pure pleasures and likes; however the problem comes when we stop losing focus of the fact that we are more than just one facet – we are more than the body, more than the mind, more than spirit…we are all of it, and to achieve balance is to feed each of our facets its necessary sustenance – for just like a plant without the right nutrients, to deny one aspect or to neglect its needs, is to simply “dry up” slowly…death while alive.. empty zombies creating and drinking our own poison.

Our educational system has become increasingly a reflection of this. Within most public educational institutions, our children are taught robotically; robotic behavior is rewarded while the child who questions is made to feel like an outsider.

Sadly, books no longer constitute a great part of Society’s education. We are increasingly used to googling things for a quick answer. Most of the time, we don’t try to search for any information that may contradict the previous answer given to us by Google or one aligned media source. We fail to realize that doing proper research would constitute our ability to seek different perspectives from various sources, reflect, and make one’s own choices. Most people don’t take the time to do this because they believe that someone else will handle it; as such, they hand over their power. Others have become too lazy, as researching may take too much time; either way, they avoid the responsibility of thinking for themselves.

Even very complex situations, such as invasions or attacks against sovereign nations, often receive simplistic explanations whose opposite points are rarely exposed by the media.

False flag operations are pre-planned events, propaganda, intelligently orchestrated to justify going to war. Examples of false flag operations are the Reichstag fire of Berlin, Operation Northwoods, and the Gulf of Tonkin episode.  These false flags (accepted as true by most people) are capable of deceiving
supposedly intelligent senators and representatives and/or presidents (of course you also have to wonder how many of our so-called leaders are part of the lies, helping cover up crimes and injustices instead of seeking and exposing the truth as it is)

Dissonance does not only occur at a major scale; it starts individualistically. When we choose to listen to simplistic explanations but refuse to take a look at the other side, we are simply choosing to execute ignorance over intelligence, handicapping the development of an open mind. It is easy to be fed information; it is harder to research, recalculate, and challenge preconceived notions.  Dissonance takes place when we choose to rip apart another human being simply because one doesn’t “like” or approve of that person – that is ignorance and malice at its best.

The sad truth prevailing today is that many citizens want to be led by a charismatic leader or an attractive Prime Minister or President.  The same goes in a smaller scale; many people are willing to accept a lie as truth simply because the lie does not challenge their reality. They rather not rock the boat and allow injustices to continue. They allow ignorant, hurtful attitudes to others as it is masked behind a smile and hypocritical charisma…Why? sadly, many people are incapable of using what may already be a stagnant critical pattern of thinking, whether at a large or small scale.

We have all seen the image of the so-called 3 wise monkeys; there is something sad and truthful about them as they cover their eyes, mouths, and ears. They transmit a most worrisome message, which, through time and ignorance, has been taken out of context, and its misguided translation is regarded as wisdom. They transmit the message of blind obedience or blind belief.  In reality, modern society has twisted its original meaning into the following: “Do not see, speak or hear anything that may sound painful even if it is true”. 

Perhaps it’s time we search for the true meaning of the 3 wise monkeys; its true meaning will challenge your beliefs and change your thinking pattern.  Although I will not go too much into the history behind the 3 wise monkeys, I want to offer you a brief synopsis: Lacadio Hern, known to the Japanese as Koizumi Yakumo, was a Greek/Irish Philosopher and Writer who specialized in the study of Japanese “Wisdom” and “Traditions”. While searching for the meaning behind the figurines of the 3 monkeys he had once seen as a child, he discovered Japanese “Proverbs.”  He applied his life and learnings to help Westerners understand the real meaning behind Japanese proverbs, discipline, history, traditions, and art. To his amazement, he was confronted with the reality that most people who have seen these figurines had no real understanding of their meaning or what they are to represent.  The original meaning of the proverb used in Japan was: Be of good mind (train your mind), Speech (give an informed opinion or remain silent), and Action (just wishing for something is not enough; you have to invest in it). 

Nowadays, however, these figurines are widely used to describe a very ill society in which by pretending not to see, hear, or hide from action, we are supposed to be wiser. In other words, “I am illuminated because I bury my head in the sand” vs. introspection and self-work.

At that rate, truth is lost over charismatic lies. Freedom, critical thinking, creativity, mutual respect for our differences and open debates instead of arguments are lost over “we are all one” – a concept which has lost its original meaning – for try as you may, you won’t ever see through my eyes nor eye through yours, nor have we experience the same things with the same results – to deny this very basic FACT, is to become like a scared chicken that buries its head in the sand, but more worrisome is the fact, that such attitude rips at our own humanity. 

We are all human, we all have the capacity to laugh, smile, and cry – and we have all experienced, to different degrees, good and bad events – none of that makes us humane- to be humane is not the result of being human but the ability to maintain one’s heart and mind open, to embrace and keep building resilience and to be able to walk through our pain and challenges without falling prey to either path of extremism, which is offered so readily by the world – “delusion of holiness through empty superficial morality” or “delusion of rebellion, through self-destruction, and the abuse of one’s mind and body by sharing ourselves sexually with anyone willing and calling this independence or liberation” – both rigid, both locked in ignorance, both rising from pain and fear.  At that rate, we are begging to become slaves, puppets, and easy to manipulate. At that rate, we are becoming cowards instead of warriors and followers instead of leaders. At that rate, society will live not in the slavery of the past but in modern slavery, one that is not imposed on us but chosen.

 At that rate, we are screaming to be caged instead of free individuals who relish their individuality while honoring the connected threads to the rest of life.  Free Individuals are not afraid to be uninhibited because they know value comes not from rigidity nor superficiality but from something deeper, which empty, repetitive words cannot fake –  defying cognitive dissonance by openly embracing all facets and aligning thinking, feeling, doing – wild yet sacred.

Let us not forget that whenever there is a crowd of followers, there has to be a leader. How sad our world would be if we continued picking leaders not based on intelligence and strength but on congeniality and hypocrisy.  I don’t have all the answers, but my personal advice would be to start with yourself.  Start becoming the “HERO” of your own story; after all, society will only change when each person decides to take the necessary steps and do the arduous but rewarding work needed within self-development.


Sofia Falcone

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By Sofia Falcone

I passionately believe one person can make a difference. I write from my own experiences and interests. It is my greatest hope that by writing about my own challenges, victories, hopes and learnings, others may feel inspired to believe more in their inner power and to fully embrace themselves!


  1. professing the Bible is infallible have to be in denial of the fact that there are numerous internal contradictions and inconsistencies between the ethical teachings of the Old Testament which often justifies homicidal violence vs the non-violent ethic of Jesus, which prohibits homicidal violence.
    Intelligent people when confronted by contradictory beliefs or ideas that mutually exclude, tend to be open and reflective


    1. Adam’s soul came from one breath. Her mate is a ghost. The ghost
      which was given to him, is his mother. His soul was (taken away) and replaced
      (Spirit). Because he, when united (with the spirit,) (spoke) the words that are
      for powers too sublime, they envied him. They separated themselves
      spiritual unity, the one that is hidden (p) ovod to themselves ()
      double room) yes (). 37
      37 In Wesley W. Isenberg’s English translation, this sentence reads:
      This separation gave them the opportunity to form a symbolic one
      matrimonial bedroom, so that people can be defiled.
      Jesus manifested Himself in the Jordan 38 as the fulfillment of the Kingdom of Heaven.
      He who (was) born before the universe, 71 was born again. The one (who) is before
      (was) anointed, he was anointed again. The one (who) was saved is again
      saved (others).
      38 Ie. of his baptism.
      Indeed, it is necessary to tell a secret. The father of the universe reunited with the virgin
      which came down. And that day a fiery (star) was given to him
      lit up and revealed a large double bedroom. So (worth 🙂 that day
      his body was created. It left the matrimonial bedroom as it is
      originated from the groom and the bride. Likewise Jesus arranged everything in it through
      And it is necessary for each of the students to enter their silence.
      Adam was born of two virgins – a spirit and a virgin land.
      That is why Christ was born of a virgin, to correct the mistake made in the beginning.
      Two trees grow in paradise. One turns into life (votinje), the other turns into
      people. Adam ate from a tree that turns into animals. He became an animal
      and seasoned the animals. That is why these children of Adam also worship (gods in
      liku) ži (votinja). The tree, whose fruit he ate, 72 (is the tree of knowledge). (Because) they are
      (sins) became mnogob (rojni. That he ate from) (fruits of another tree), from


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